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Beach Cleanups - It Starts In Our Neighborhood

Aug 10th 2021

Beach Cleanups - It Starts In Our Neighborhood

As part of our sustainability initiative, over the past couple months, Hawaii Coffee Company (HCC) has spearheaded 3 beach cleanups at Sand Island Beach Park. Members of HCC collectively gathered and responsibly disposed of hundreds of micro-plastics, cigarette butts, bottle caps, scrap metals, meters of fishing line and much more!

Our haul also consisted of larger items like a carpet, table, and a grill! Protecting and caring for our home is something we hold close to our values and practices. We believe that change and care for our home and its people starts within our own community.

Scroll down to see photos from our past cleanups and our hauls of garbage!

Hawaii Coffee Company Beach Cleanup Hawaii Coffee Company Beach Cleanup Hawaii Coffee Company Beach Cleanup

A huge MAHALO to everyone who participated and supported our beach cleanups. We are happy to say we have plans to continue our sustainability program with several other activities in the community.

Hawaii Coffee Company Beach Cleanup Hawaii Coffee Company Beach Cleanup

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